আপনি কি প্রফেশনাল চাকরি খুঁজছেন ?

ONCE AGAIN, THIS SITE HAS PROVED ITS POWER TO REACH OUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS WITH ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGES IN OUR BANGLADESHI IMMIGRANTS’ LIVES IN CANADA. (সিটি অফ টরোন্টোতে CSW পজিশনের জন্য যারা ইন্টারভিউ এবং লিখিত পরীক্ষার জন্য আমন্ত্রণ পেয়েছেন তারা দ্রুত আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন যদি ইন্টারভিউ বা পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতিতে আপনার কোনো সহযোগিতা দরকার হয়। উল্লেখ, গত বছর আমরা যাদেরকে নিয়ে প্রস্তুতি সেশনের আওয়জন করেছিলাম তার থেকে দুইজন ইতিমধ্যে জব অফার পেয়ে চাকরি শুরু করেছেন। আমরা সম্ভবত এই সপ্তাহের মধ্যেই প্রস্তুতি  সেশনটির আওয়জন করতে পারি যদি যথেষ্ট ক্যান্ডিডেট থাকে।)

Candidates for City of Toronto’s CSW (PT) position have started to receive the invitation for the interview/assessment process.  Many of you might have noticed a few days back I had posted a City of Toronto job posting in this blog along with other sites, and I do this occasionally as many of our job seekers do not know when the posting comes along or do not simply know or do not go to any organization’s site. One can always go to the specific organization’s site and find out the current opportunities, yet since my association with this blog I have been seeing many folks have only known about the job posting from my posting in this sites and other online groups.

Just today I received a message form a gentleman  that he has been invited for the assessment process of the city’s CSW position. He has appreciated me for the posting, but I think the appreciation should go first to this forum and many others who have kindly posted my posting. I never knew the person, nor he was in my friend list, all that I know he is a member of BCCB. I feel happy that our little effort is working out. No, for that post I did not have to spend lots of time. And to make it clear to those who may think that what could be my/our benefit, simply nothing but feeling glad that someone is walking towards his goal!!!

As I am writing you this note, I just received another phone call that someone else also has received the invitation for interview and assessment process. I would request all of you who have or will have receive such invitation please comment here so that we could arrange an interview and written examination preparation session. The following is an extract from Mr. Hasanul Musanna, thank you sir for your kind words and the information. We will certainly support you to our best.

“Hi Mukul, vai, I saw your post and applied for the Client Service Worker position. Today, I got response for an interview. The entire thing happened because of your post, thanks a lot! Now, I need your help for interview preparation, and any suggestions which might be helpful. You can check is there any other people got interview call from our community so that you can plan for everyone. Regards. Hasanul Musanna”

B. Mukul

আপনার প্রতিক্রিয়া ব্যক্ত করুন

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন
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